Worship service is held each Sunday at 10:15 a.m. in the sanctuary. Worship is intimate and informal, with music of both traditional and contemporary styles to lift up the name of Jesus and encourage praise and worship of our Holy God. Special music is frequently offered by member musicians, vocalists and a children’s choir. Pastor Glen Carter preaches a sermon from God’s Word, often as part of a series studying a book of the Bible over several weeks. Children’s Church is offered for students in Kindergarten through Grade 3 during the sermon portion of the service. Nursery care is provided for infants through age 4 in the nursery rooms located off the main foyer behind the sanctuary. Personal sound amplification devices are available for those with hearing issues. Just ask the person in the sound booth for assistance. The Lord’s Table is observed the first Sunday of the month (except for July, the second Sunday). Visitors and newcomers are encouraged to fill out a visitor card, located in the pew rack, with name, address, any prayer needs or requests for a pastoral call or visit. As an act of worship, a freewill offering is taken during the service with the passing of a plate, but visitors need not feel obligated to give. If you have any questions or need help during the service, please feel free to ask one of the greeters at the door, an usher, or Pastor Glen as he stands by the door after the service is over.
We invite you to join us!