The Maine* Idea: In every situation in life we can give thanks to God our Savior!
The Maine* Idea: In every situation in life we can give thanks to God our Savior!
The Maine* Idea: God will expose our hidden sin, causing us to face the truth about ourselves, mercifully calling us to repentance.
The Maine* Idea: The God who is has spoken, He is Lord, we can trust Him and obey Him.
The Maine* Idea: The Spirit-led believer lives for the glory of God, not the praise of men.
The Maine* Idea: Keep in step with the Spirit, and you will by no means fulfill the lusts of the flesh!
The Maine* Idea: Because of Jesus we are free, a freedom which overflows in Spirit-empowered love to serve others.
The Maine* Idea: The Bible presents two contrasting paths: one is focused on human effort, the other on trusting God’s promises. Trust God, and find life!
The Maine Idea: Brotherly love should be the basis of our caring and our accountability in the church, and growth, to God’s glory, should be the goal.
The Maine* Idea: The Law serves as a disciplinarian, a personal tutor, urging us toward sonship which is through faith in Christ.
The Maine* Idea: The Law exposes our desperate need of grace. We can trust God to keep His promise through faith in Christ. [The sermon audio ends at 32.30. The remainder of the audio includes prayer and music and may have intermittently poor sound quality].