The Maine* Idea: “One day all will bow, either in worship or in defeat. Is Jesus your Lord?”
The Maine* Idea: “One day all will bow, either in worship or in defeat. Is Jesus your Lord?”
The Maine* Idea: Our sure hope in Jesus allows us to have joy, independent of circumstances, to pray with confidence about the future, and to give thanks, even before we see the answers. And so, God wills us to be 1) relentlessly joyful (16), 2) persistently prayerful (17), and 3) consistently thankful (18).
The Maine* Idea: His presence can bring peace in the crises that come with life in this fallen world.
The Maine* Idea: “The Son of God took upon himself a human nature in order to give his life so that we could experience true peace.”
The Maine* Idea: The Law serves as a disciplinarian, a personal tutor, urging us toward sonship which is through faith in Christ.
The Maine* Idea: The Law exposes our desperate need of grace. We can trust God to keep His promise through faith in Christ. [The sermon audio ends at 32.30. The remainder of the audio includes prayer and music and may have intermittently poor sound quality].
The Maine* Idea: Since the Law makes it clear that we cannot save ourselves, our only is to trust the One who bore the curse of the Law for us.
[The sermon recording itself ends at the 30 minute mark) The Maine Idea: The Gospel of Grace should result in a changed life as Christ lives in us and through us.
The Maine* Idea: Jesus did not defend himself before men, but did affirm His kingship, and, as the Passover-King, He continued on the path to carry out His plan to lay down His life for us.
The Maine* Idea: Jesus came as the Passover-King, the Lamb on the throne, who alone could shield us, by His blood, from the wrath we deserve.