A Healthy Church will be Opposed – Acts 5:1-11 November 11, 2018 Stu Taylor Spiritual Growth, Suffering, Worship Acts The Maine Idea: A healthy church can expect opposition from within and from without.
The Love God Gives, The Love God Requires – Mark 12:28-34 September 16, 2018 Steven Nash Spiritual Growth, Worship Mark The Maine* Idea: Sincere love for God and for our neighbor can only come through being rightly related to the King.
Seeing is Believing! (Or, The Gospel and the Ordinances) July 8, 2018 Steven Nash Discipleship - Serving, The Gospel, Worship 0 Comments The Maine* Idea: The Lord has given the church two ordinances, as a visual representation of His saving work on our behalf.
On the Mountain with Jesus – Mark 9:1-13 March 4, 2018 Steven Nash Worship Mark The Maine* Idea: Jesus is the promised Rescuer, the Son of God, who would lay down his life to save us, and then be vindicated in the resurrection. Hear Him!